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Studio 60 err. umm...

Well I like the show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Recently they had the idea to have lots of ads as their main set. You know, the Sunset Strip.

Well, I shouldn't have any more comment spam, my blog isn't the sunset strip.


Petra Lives!

I suppose you'd call this a live blog?

The event of an evening! PETRA LIVES!

My raid, my backup server, it's now named (hold on.. I got to log into it, setting up drivers and whatnot..) Petra!

I decided to revive the name since the old Petra couldn't possibly still be around anymore. She was my first server! and she was stolen by Stuyvesant high school back in 2001. I could still access her up until 2003 when she was rooted and I moved all my cra…

raids, health care and hours of the day

I've been.. distant lately.

From this blog anyway.

Been working a lot, two jobs. Knothe, a mens aparrel company (mostly mens sleepware) where I manage about 30 users and computers, and do mundane (yet occatinally interesting) tasks with the production database. And Wizard Computing, where I go to clients offices after work or on saturday to fix things, or install phone systems, or servers.

I'm playing a lot with Microsoft's 2003 Small B…

Server Problems

Well the raid still isn't working...

I'm kinda bumbed out about it.

Btw I don't think I've mentioned I've got a 9-5 job now.

ME <--- sold out

I've been there 3 months and I think it's working out well. It's easy work but it's constant and it pays well. And as of the other day it's paying a little weller. (Shush, it's a word today.) A paycheck isn't quite rent yet, and the state of nj decided to screw me over again, and I just paid for all this ha…

raid 5 building

22.7% Completed.
Elapse Time = 00:26:41

1500 Gigabytes



PS. I know we haven't spoken in so long, and here I come just flaunting my new raid... I'll make it up to you baby, promise.

I'd like to thank...

I'd like to thank all the people who helped move yesterday. Those who didn't have to ;-)

Cassie, Jason, Nick, Bill, Sarah, and John, you guys rock.

As for my flatmates, you guys rock too. I think this is going to work out well for us. =)

Just no more condensed Green Tea, OK Mike? It's not worth it, can't be good for you man. (It's not being good for me.)

Also Thanks to Em, and Marcel for my bed (worth every dollar, though it does squeak a bit).



No actually, really free. Honest to god.

Cd's used, mine no less. Actual original CDs, I do buy music sometimes, you know.

Villans by The Verve Pipe

Heavy Surveillance by Dilated Peoples

While we sleep by the Shulman System (Jazz - good jazz)

The Wall by Pink Floyd

Horrorscope by Eve6

All free, first come first serve. I may give priority to anyone who helps me move.


PS If I don't know you, you can't help me move, unless I'm convinced …

I want to make a comic about today.

I wish I had enough photos of today to make a comic. I went to the beach and the waves were fantastic. Like amazingly large and destructive. And by destructive I mean they kicked my ass. For example, I remember talking to Nick and Jason (who happened to be about 5 - 10 feet in front of me) and then a wave came, and Nick and Jason were about 10 feet above me. Now this wouldn't be a very good example if the wave didn't then crash on top of me and d…

Montauk 4

This time nemo gets even

I am so bad at making comics. At least this one is a little more.. together...

Montauk 2

Montauk has been rain delayed. Anyway I need to convince people it's worth the $30 dollar train ticket (round trip).


Episode 2 in Montauk the Comic!

Amanda UnBoomed

So as of right now lovely actress Amanda Congdon is off Rocket Boom, currently has a messages stating she is moving to follow her dreams in LA, which would be nice, but it's a lie. Her dreams in LA included Rocket Boom.

She sums everything up on her own blog.

And, as it turns out, I cannot move to LA because our plan was for me to be engaged in, and compensated for, work on Rocketboom there. Since you will no longer allow that, I …

Donnie Darko, and the collapse of the "tangent universe"

This post is about my investigation to when the "Tangent Universe" collapses in the Movie "Donnie Darko", assuming it's a point in time. I mean, Frank the bunny gave Donnie a countdown, "That is when the world will end.", so I'm going to assume that there is a moment when the event either starts or finishes. (And go away if you're going to bring up time travel, I don't care about the "Prime Universe" or "real universe" tonight. This is all about … © 2024
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